Waste Water Treatment Plant Almasirah

Concrete floor and GLS walls

The existing STP had few GLS tans with epoxy coated concrete floors. The client complained from many leaks so the coating on the floor was mostly removed by grinder and the lower part of the GLS tanks was mechanically grinded as well. The whole area to be coated was primed by a two-component solvent-free epoxy primer after wiping all the prepared area with Solvent to clean all traces of dust any other contaminants. QUICKSPRAY INDUSTRIAL was specified and applied at a thickness of 2.5 mm on all the floor up to 300mm of the GLS walls. Al-Gadrawi did the job in two weeks in May 2020.

Reference profile

Reference profile

Waste Water Treatment Plant Almasirah


Saudi Arabia




Construction Material Chemical Industries

pictures from the project

VIP systems in this project


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