Sewage Pipes

Inner coating of sewage pipes

A local german city government undertook a major refurbishment of its wastewater treatment plant and was looking for innovative ways to extend the useful life of the existing infrastructure. Extending the useful life of the existing infrastructure was a more economical option than replacing it with new infrastructure. VIP and VIP’s approved fabricator, RIW Industrie Service, proposed lining the plant’s main pipes with a highly abrasion-resistant, flexible, sprayable membrane approved for drinking water. After careful consideration of the alternatives, VIP’s QuickSpray Supreme W was selected for the interior lining of all existing main transport pipes. RIW Industrie Services used special application equipment to spray the immediately hardening membrane onto the inner surfaces of the pipes. Due to the spray application process and the instant curing of the VIP liner, the pipes were completed in just a few days and the entire project was completed from start to finish in 1½ weeks, greatly reducing plant downtime.

Reference profile

Reference profile

Coating of sewage pipes



400 m²

Local Government Municipality

Approved VIP Applicator RIW Industrie Services, Köln

pictures from the project

VIP systems in this project


LIQUISHIELD is designed to meet the growing demand from consulting engineers for complete system solutions as opposed to products the LIQUISHIELD systems make it easy for consulting engineers to specify a complete liquid containment solution from one manufacturer. The LIQUISHIELD range covers primary and secondary containment of chemical liquids, abrasive slurries as well as drinking water.

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