Exciting news from Egypt!

Exciting news from Egypt!

VIP Coatings is thrilled to announce a major milestone.

Celebrating 15 years of success in Egypt, VIP Coatings is thrilled to announce a major milestone: the establishment of VIP Coatings Egypt.
Starting back in 2010 with a recoating of the Egyptian Parliament in Cairo through to the coating of the 16.000 m²  Azha Lagoon in Ain El-Sokhna in 2021, VIP Coatings has proudly completed numerous successful projects in Egypt.

Check out all of our references here.

Our major competitive advantage is that we provide more than just products. We have a highly skilled and experienced technical services team and offer superior long-term solutions for high-end flooring as well as sustainable roofing & waterproofing applications.

Thanks to our positive development, we are now taking our presence in Egypt to the next level by joining forces with Madaar, the renowned leader in the hospitality industry, to create VIP Coatings Egypt.
Together, we are ready to offer comprehensive “supply and apply” solutions tailored specifically for the leisure, hospitality, water & construction market segments.

We’re incredibly excited about the possibilities the new VIP Egypt presence brings and look forward to delivering exceptional results for our clients in Egypt’s rapidly growing construction market.


3. May 2024

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