Training Session for Elite Applicators in India

Training Session for Elite Applicators in India

Hosted by Berger at Graco’s state-of-the-art facility in New Delhi.

18 elite polyurea applicators recently underwent intensive training in polyurea hot spray techniques with VIP Coatings. T his comprehensive training was organized and hosted by Berger at Graco’s state-of-the-art facility in New Delhi

During the training, participants were equipped with Graco’s cutting-edge Spraying Machines, including the highly efficient Reactor 3, enabling hands-on experience and practical application of polyurea coatings.

The training encompassed both theoretical and practical sessions, covering a wide range of topics from basic application techniques to advanced troubleshooting. Additionally, a proactive session provided valuable insights into VIP’s polyurea range and market trends, offering a glimpse into the Indas market landscape for the next 5 years.

One of the highlights of the training was the exchange of valuable case studies among applicators, providing real-world insights and fostering collaborative learning. From discussing best practices to addressing common challenges, the training session was an invaluable opportunity for applicators to enhance their skills and expertise in polyurea application.

We’re immensely proud of our dedicated applicators and grateful to Graco for their support in providing top-of-the-line equipment for the training. This initiative underscores our commitment to excellence and continuous improvement in delivering superior coating solutions.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to empower our applicators with the knowledge and skills to master in their craft!

7. March 2024

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